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What is .Stat Suite?
The .Stat Suite is a standard-based, componentised, open-source platform for the efficient production and dissemination of high-quality statistical data. The product is based on the General Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) and the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) standards and is driven by the Statistical Information System Collaboration Community (SIS-CC).
The .Stat Suite has three main modules:
The .Stat Suite Data Explorer, a web-based front-office application for easy finding, understanding and using of data through an efficient well-tuned navigation and search approach, appropriate data previews and contextual metadata, and download in standard formats, APIs or share features. Read more…
The .Stat Data Lifecycle Manager, a set of adaptive back-office modules to efficiently and timely produce and (re-)use high quality statistical data by defining, running, automating, controlling and evaluating the underlying data processes. Read more…
The .Stat Core, a highly performing, secure SDMX-native Data Store based on standard protocols, to store and retrieve statistical data, structural and referential metadata, data process information and security settings. Read more…
You can also check out a number of publicly available examples of the .Stat Suite implementations, and find out on the many features of the .Stat Suite from the detailed product overview and the flight planner.