Google Analytics
Table of Content
- Measurement ID
- Google Analytics default events
- Events API
- Default overviews for audiences and behaviours
- Customise reports
Read the disclaimers for a better understanding of the historical implementations of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager in .Stat Suite.
Measurement ID
You can enable Google Analytics to receive hits on audience and usages of a .Stat Data Explorer instance.
In order to activate the analytics functionality, you need to create your own Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property. When completing the set up by “adding a data stream”, you will be given a “Measurement ID” to be provided in the environment variable named GA_TOKEN
in the scope of the compliant service (data-explorer or data-viewer).
You can add the env variable in your .env
file and start the data-explorer or data-viewer service.
If you are using Docker-Compose, you have to declare the env variable at the service level in the compose file (see example)
Google Analytics default events
By default, .Stat Data Explorer sends information to Google Analytics for a defined list of Events allowing to monitor the following list of audiences and behaviours:
- Number of DE sessions per period
- Number of DE users per period
- Number of DE sessions per dataflow per period
- Number of DE users per dataflow per period
- Number of DE downloads (separately by unfiltered csv, filtered csv, filtered excel, .png) per period
- Number of DE downloads (separately by unfiltered csv, filtered csv, filtered excel, .png) per dataflow per period
- Number of DE shared tables/charts per period
- Number of DE shared tables/charts per dataflow per period
- Number of VIEWER views of shared tables/charts per period
- Number of VIEWER views of shared tables/charts per dataflow per period
- Number of VIEWER users per period
Note that in Google Analytics:
- a session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given period. A single session can thus contain several page views and events.
- a user is a unique identified user who can initiate a single or several sessions within a given period. A user is counted once he has launched at least one session during a given time range. By extend, users can then be monitored as new users or returning users.
(Since Release .Stat Suite JS 6.1.0) Due to the fact that Google Analytics wants to prevent breaking the privacy users through their Privacy Policies and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) best practices, then whenever the @
character is found in the data source (Dataflow name, dataflow ID, AgencyID, or Source ID), then this character is replaced by [at]
before it is sent to GoogleAnalytics.
E.g. a dataflow with the ID SDD@IDD will be retrieved as SDD[at]IDD in Google Analytics.
Events API
Event label:
name of the dataflow + sourceId/id/agenceId/version
> corresponds to the triggering of the visualisation of a dataflow in any type of representation within the Data Explorer website. - DOWNLOAD =
name of the dataflow + sourceId/id/agenceId/version
> corresponds to the triggering of downloading data from a dataflow in any available format within the Data Explorer website (from a search result page or a visualisation page). - SHARE =
name of the dataflow + sourceId/id/agenceId/version
> corresponds to the triggering of sharing a dataflow in any type of representation. - SHARE_VIEW =
name of the dataflow + chartId
> corresponds to viewing a shared representation of a dataflow.
List of Events set up and applied to a Data Explorer instance:
"Event Category":
"Event Action":
Default overviews for audiences and behaviours
Once your Measurement ID is set up for a deployed instance of .Stat Data Explorer, you should be able to view all event actions, categories and labels (dataflows) under Reports > Engagement > Events.
Event Category lists the number of actions performed over a given period: dataflow visualisations, downloads, shared objects and views of shared objects.
Event action lists the number of distinct actions performed by category of event over a given period: views of dataflows, downlaods by type, shares by type (table or chart).
Event label lists the number of data visualisation by dataflow name over a given period. In order to establish the uniqueness of a dataflow, it is identified by localised name sourceID/ID/Agency/Version, e.g. National Accounts (UoM) staging:SIS-CC-stable/DF_UOM/OECD/3.0.
Customise reports
Create, customise and organise your reports under the “Library” of Google Analytics. Learn how to.