Released in January 20, 2025 Release .Stat Suite JS causality
Sentry is used to gather data from a live Data Explorer instance. Check Sentry and the data-explorer readme for more details.
To configure Sentry for .Stat Suite Data Explorer, follow these steps:
Sign up for a Sentry account at
Create a new project in Sentry for your .Stat Suite instance.
Obtain the DSN (Data Source Name) for your Sentry project.
Add the Sentry configuration to your .Stat Suite environment variables:
SENTRY_DSN=your_sentry_dsn_here SENTRY_ENV=production # or another environment name SENTRY_RELEASE=master # free value, ie develop, master or tags
With these steps, Sentry will be configured to capture and report errors and performance data from your .Stat Suite Data Explorer instance.