.Stat Suite documentation


Released in January 20, 2025 Release .Stat Suite JS causality

Sentry is used to gather data from a live Data Explorer instance. Check Sentry and the data-explorer readme for more details.


To configure Sentry for .Stat Suite Data Explorer, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Sentry account at https://sentry.io/

  2. Create a new project in Sentry for your .Stat Suite instance.

  3. Obtain the DSN (Data Source Name) for your Sentry project.

  4. Add the Sentry configuration to your .Stat Suite environment variables:

    SENTRY_ENV=production  # or another environment name
    SENTRY_RELEASE=master # free value, ie develop, master or tags

With these steps, Sentry will be configured to capture and report errors and performance data from your .Stat Suite Data Explorer instance.

Troubleshooting and additional resources
