.Stat DE customisation
Table of Content
- Introduction
- Warning
- Visual UI components demo
- General theme settings
- Theme settings: how to override mixins
- Theme settings: palette
- Theme settings: first loader
- Theme settings: custom fonts
- Theme settings: dataflow description muted colors
- Favicon
- Homepage background image
- Page header, footer and splash
- Add icons to specific facet values
- Api documentation hyperlink
- Contact us hyperlink
- Contact us and Share email: Header logo of the organisation
- Share email: header, footer, body and confirm button color
- Table and chart: footer logo
- Table and chart: footer terms and conditions
- Chart: map configuration
- Chart: override stacked charts palette
- Chart: layout and responsiveness
This page is a guide on how to customise and interact with some of the .Stat Data Explorer look and feel and layout features.
These customisations can be performed by Administrators with access to the .Stat DE installation files, but they should all be driven by business decisions.
When editing the configuration .json file(s) of the .Stat Suite applications, the default encoding on your server/system could potentially be different than UTF-8, e.g. UTF-8-BOM.
being an issue to handle in web client rendering, whenever editing your config. files, make sure that this is always managed in the right UTF-8 encoding format, in order to avoid introducing extra invisible BOM characters to your file.
Visual UI components demo
Visions is a library of React
components that compiles the definition and behavior of all the visual UI components used in the Data Explorer.
The dynamic and interactive Visions demo site describes and demoes each (material UI) components’ behavior, properties and customisable theme. The Visions demo site is very handy when deciding to customise your DE theme settings.
The Visions demo site has additional options in the top-right header that are applied to all UI components: palette, right-to-left (RTL) mode, colour (example of an override of the theme in pink), web accessibility.
General theme settings
The format and default theme was changed with the release May 18, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 5.0.0
It is possible to override the default layout theme of the application.
The default theme is stored under dotstatsuite-visions/src/theme.js
. You can override the default theme by adding new entries in dotstatsuite-config-data/<env>/configs/<organisation>/data-explorer/settings.json
. See here for more information about the organisation
The default theme is applied if there is no theme added to the settings.json file.
"theme": {
"overrides": {
"MuiButton": {
"root": {
"textTransform": "'none'"
"palette": {
"action": {
"active": "rgba(14, 144, 144, 0.54)",
"selected": "rgba(14, 144, 224, 0.25)",
"hover": "rgba(14, 144, 224, 0.13)"
"primary": {
"main": "#0965c1",
"light": "#0e90e0",
"dark": "#0549ab"
"secondary": {
"main": "#e3e9ed",
"light": "#f5f8fa",
"dark": "#ebf1f5"
"tertiary": {
"light": "#e2f2fb",
"dark": "#b7def6"
"button": {
"mainOpacity": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)"
"highlight": {
"hl1": "#f7a42c",
"hl2": "#8CC841"
"grey": {
"200": "#F3F7FB",
"300": "#cccccc",
"700": "#666666",
"A700": "#182026"
"mixins": {
"dataflow": {
"fontWeight": 400,
"fontFamily": "'Roboto Slab', serif"
"scopeList": {
"fontWeight": 700,
"fontFamily": "'PT Sans Narrow', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
"excel": {
"headerFont": "#ffffff",
"sectionFont": "#000000",
"rowFont": "#000000"
"sisccButton": {
"&:hover": {
"backgroundColor": "#f7a42c"
"typography": {
"fontFamily": "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
"h6": {
"fontSize": " 1.0625rem"
Theme settings: how to override mixins
Data Explorer uses a Material-ui theme, and you can entirely customise it by using your settings.json file under the https://material-ui.com/
key. For your help, all components used in Data Explorer are in the website Visions.
We try as much as possible to use the Material-ui theme. But sometimes, it is necessary to define mixins in order to modify the component with a specific font, font-size, colors, etc…
The default defined mixins can be overridden from the settings.json
In the Material-ui theme, under the mixins
key, it is described as such:
"theme": {
"mixins": {
"nameOfTheComponents": { // use camelCase
"root": {
// common styles for the entire component
"specificName": {
// specific style for the component
All mixins are available using the following link: theme used by data-explorer
Here is an example on how to change the header of the DE table and charts.
you can find this component in visions (DataHeader), the name of this component being “DataHeader”.
Taking our general use case, you need to replace the “nameOfTheComponents” by “dataHeader”.
/!\ You need to change the first capitalize letter into a lower letter to use camelCase mode (“DataHeader” => “dataHeader”) /!\
This example will not erase your other props defined in your theme. Your header will remain the same.
"theme": {
"mixins": {
"dataHeader": {}
The next objective is then to change the font of “DataHeader”.
"theme": {
"mixins": {
"dataHeader": {
"root": {
"font": "'Comic sans MS'"
Finally, some components have more props defined in mixins.
As you can see in the theme file “DataHeader” have “title”, “subtitle”, “uprs” and “disclaimer”. You can override those props by your owns.
Let’s see with the previous example how we can manage those other props:
"theme": {
"mixins": {
"dataHeader": {
"root": {
"font": "'Comic sans MS'"
"title": {
"color": "black",
"fontSize": "60px"
"backgroundColor": "yellow"
"subtitle": {
// e.g. add here your own styles for subtitle
Some styles are now added to the title. Title color is now black with bigger font size and with a yellow background color.
You can note that style’s props are very close to css, but in javascript we use camelCase (e.g: “background-color” => “backgroundColor”).
Theme settings: palette
Some colors are used several times in the DE theme. For this purpose, we use outerPalette.
Each property defined in “innerPalette” (theme used by data-explorer) is available in the settings.
"theme": {
"outerPalette": {
"primaryMain": '#ff00ff',
Theme settings: first loader
To override the first loader (spinner) color, when the application is not yet loaded, you need to add a specific class to your file styles.css
in your assets config.
.path {
stroke: #ff00ff;
Theme settings: custom fonts
Since August 3, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS quark, DE fonts are not hardcoded anymore.
Disclaimer: DE fonts are not harcoded, you need to use the settings ’linkTags’ to load explicitely the fonts. By default, the fonts of the browser will be used.
Additionally, there are currently two ways of loading fonts.
- The first approach is to provide stylesheet links in the
file with defined “font-face” inside.
e.g. in settings.json
"app": {
"linkTags": [
- The second approach is to directly use the
file and define your own “font-face”.
Using the proprety “src”, your can set a local path or an URL.
e.g. in styles.css
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto Slab';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: url(/assets/siscc/data-explorer/fonts/Roboto_Slab/RobotoSlab-400.woff2) format('woff2');
src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/robotoslab/v23/BngbUXZYTXPIvIBgJJSb6s3BzlRRfKOFbvjojISmb2Rj.woff2) format('woff2');
You can also import a .css file inside the styles.css
, although we do not recommend it, because imported .css files defer the loading of the included resource until the file is fetched.
We recommend using a dynamic provider like ‘Google WebFonts’ for the following reasons:
- better performance (speed)
- It avoids the “flash of unstyled content” problem
- All browsers are supported
- Different languages are supported regarding the client’s computer characters (Latin, Vietnamese… )
- The API provides a transparent update.
Theme settings: dataflow description muted colors
Since April 4, 2024 Release .Stat Suite JS zoo, the colors of the un/muted dataflow description in the search result list are configurable. To apply new (override) colors for the muted or unmuted state of the dataflow description, follow the example below:
- in
"theme": {
"mixins": {
"dataflow": {
"desc": {
"mutedText": {
"color": "#bcbcbc"
"unmutedText": {
"color": "#5b5b5b"
Define your website’s favicon (short for favorite icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon.
- in
"app": {
"favicon": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/dotstatsuite-documentation/images/favicon.ico"
Homepage background image
Prerequisite: you need basic
knowledge before going further.
Disclaimer: Since release of May 18, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 5.0.0, the class object to overide the default background is replaced by a unique ID called ID_HOME_PAGE.
Go to dotstatsuite/data/<env>/configs/assets/<organisation>/data-explorer/styles/styles.css
Add a new entry called #id_home_page
in the file in order to overide the default background.
Add the url of a publicly available image, or the path of an image stored in /assets/<organisation>/data-explorer/images
#id_home_page {
background-image: url('https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/01/14/23/12/nature-3082832_960_720.jpg');
- Unique IDs are created for each of the Data Explorer page containers (background layers), but it does not imply all components of a page:
ID_HOME_PAGE = 'id_home_page';
ID_ERROR_PAGE = 'id_error_page';
ID_SEARCH_PAGE = 'id_search_page';
ID_VIS_PAGE = 'id_vis_page';
ID_AUTH_PAGE = 'id_auth_page';
- Some additional CSS properties can be required in order to correctly display the background in a responsive and adaptive mode depending on the original size of your image.
Page header, footer and splash
Since September 15, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS radio, the DE header contains a localised text field de.header.message
that supports rich text elements (line break, italic text, bold text, hyperlinks opening in a new web browser tab) as described here. By default, this localised field is empty, but it can be overwriten per organisation
(see how to).
Example configuration of a customised DE header with additional hyperlinks:
config file: configs/<organisation>/<app>/i18n/<locale>.json
"de.header.message": "<a>Privacy policy|https://www.myorg.org/privacy/</a> | <a>Terms and conditions|https://www.myorg.org/termsandconditions/</a> | <a>Contact us|https://myorg.org/contact/</<a>"
Similarly, the localised text fields in the DE footer (de.footer.description
and de.footer.disclaimer
) can be customised with the above listed rich text elements.
Example configuration of a customised DE footer with an additional hyperlink:
config file: configs/<organisation>/<app>/i18n/<locale>.json
"de.footer.author": ".Stat Suite",
"de.footer.description": "{icon} Powered by the {link}",
"de.footer.disclaimer": "This is my own instance. | For test purposes only. {br} <a>Contact us|https://myorg.org/contact/</<a>",
Note that:
is a hardcoded placeholder for the image defined in the DE configuration ("assets":{"footer":...}
), see here.{link}
is a hardcoded placeholder for a hyperlink with a title defined inde.footer.author
and a URL defined in the DE configuration ("app":{"footer":{"link": ...}}
), see here
For a live example, see here.
Localised common site logos
Define the common logos in the header, subheader, footer and homepage of the website.
Since October 5, 2021 Release .Stat Suite JS 10.0.0, assets are localised, meaning that, if switching the locale of the DE, it will change the logo source depending on the corresponding language. This can be applied to all assets. If a localised asset is defined but a locale does not match any source image, then it will display a broken link.
- in
"assets": {
"header": {
"en": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/OECD-logo_en_Desktop.png",
"fr": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/OECD-logo_fr_Desktop.png",
"es": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/OECD-logo_es_Desktop.png"
"subheader": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/dotstat-data-explorer-logo.png",
"footer": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/sis-cc-icon.png",
"splash": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/dotstat-data-explorer-logo.png"
- header:
- subheader:
- footer:
- splash:
Add hyperlink on header, subheader and footer logos
Version history:
Subheader link introduced in April 4, 2024 Release .Stat Suite JS zoo
Moved the definition of the hyperlink fromassets
in January 13, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS 12.0.0
Hyperlink is made localised with October 5, 2021 Release .Stat Suite JS 10.0.0
Introduced in July 23, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 5.2.0 (thanks to Dhanya Chandrasekharan for the contribution!)
Hyperlinks can be added to the logos of the common site header, suheader and footer. This feature might be useful when the Data Explorer is part of a web portal, within which users browse from one application to another.
- in
"app": {
"headerLink": "http://siscc.org/link4header",
"footer": {
"link": "https://siscc.org/link4footer",
"logoLink": "https://siscc.org/link4subheader"
The URLs are also localisable:
"app": {
"headerLink": {
"fr": "http://siscc.org/link4headerFR",
"en": "http://siscc.org/link4headerEN"
"footer": {
"link": {
"fr": "https://siscc.org/link4footerFR",
"en": "https://siscc.org/link4footerEN"
"logoLink": {
"fr": "https://siscc.org/link4subheaderFR",
"en": "https://siscc.org/link4subheaderEN"
Add icons to specific facet values
You can define individual icons that are to be displayed with specific facets values in the DE home and search result pages.
This is a new entry of the configuration, and is supporting the SVG path segment format ONLY.
SVG paths are to be considered as a best practice and solution for websites auto-layout and accessibility.
The SVG images must be scaled to fit into a 24 x 24px viewport in order to be fully visible.
- in
"sdmx": {
"valueIcons": {
"topic": {
"HOME": "M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z"
Note: the key of the facet is always in lowercase e.g. “topic”, and the key of the facet value is always in uppercase e.g. “HOME”.
Facets are localised, thus you must add the translated name of facet and duplicate the value for the icon, e.g.:
"sdmx": {
"valueIcons": {
"topic": {
"HOME": "M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z"
"thème": {
"HOME": "M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z"
The result is as follows:
API documentation hyperlink
Define the hyperlink for the API documentation.
- in
"viewer": {
"api": {
"doc": "https://data.oecd.org/api/sdmx-json-documentation/",
Contact us hyperlink
Define the hyperlink for the “Contact us” feature.
- in
"viewer": {
"api": {
"contact": "https://stats.oecd.org/FAQAndContact.aspx",
Contact us and Share email: Header logo of the organisation
Define the logo of the organisation in the header banner of the mail sent from the Share
or the Contact us
features. The source can be a binary image or a link.
- in
"assets": {
"mailHeader": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/siscc-email-logo.png",
Share email: header, footer, body and confirm button color
Define the colors used in the Share email:
- tertiary/main color for the header and the footer
- secondary/dark color for the body
- primary/dark color for the confirm email button.
- in
"theme": {
"palette": {
"primary":{"dark": "#ff19ab"},
"secondary": {"dark": "#ffffff"},
"tertiary": {"main": "#ff19ab"}
Table and chart: footer logo
Define the logo of the organisation in the footer of the table and chart views. The source can be a binary image or a link.
Since the January 21, 2021 Release .Stat Suite JS 7.0.0, the table and chart footer logo is localised. When .Stat DE is configured with several languages, then you can also have a table and chart footer logo different for each language (e.g. “OECD” logo in English and “OCDE” logo in French).
- in
"assets": {
"viewerFooter": {
"en": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/sis-cc-logo.png",
"fr": "/assets/siscc/data-explorer/images/dotstat-data-explorer-logo.png"
Note: If no locale is added to "viewerFooter"
, then only the default logo asset is displayed for all languages. If at least one locale is added to "viewerFooter"
, then all configured languages will expect a dedicated logo asset, hence if there is in this case one missing logo for a given language, then no footer logo will be returned in that specific language.
Table and chart: footer terms and conditions
Deprecation: since November 30, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 6.1.0, the configuration for setting up the name displayed on top of the hyperlink (
"label": "Terms & Conditions"
) is moved to its natural behavior in the localisation management, enabling to translate it by any supported language of the application UI.
Define the hyperlink in the footer of the table and chart views behind the “c” copyright icon.
- in
"viewer": {
"terms": {
"link": "http://www.oecd.org/termsandconditions/",
Chart: map configuration
Version history:
Map projection renamed mercator ->geoMercator
, andscale
attribute removed with December 14, 2021 Release .Stat Suite JS 11.0.0
Introduced in November 19, 2019 Release JS v3.0.0
Displaying data in a geographical map representation in the Data Explorer visualisation pages, will rely on the providing of one or several maps (regarding the needs) to the application.
It is first required to produce these maps as topojson
files. To learn more about topojson
format, you can read: https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification/blob/master/README.md.
You can also learn more about topojson
files generation from here.
From here and further in the configuration, it is assumed that one can produce topojson
files for his needs.
First steps
Starting with the specifications of the topojson
file format. Following is provided a ‘world_map.json’ file as example.
As topojson
standard specifes, areas are defined in objects
entry. Since the SDMX dimension representing the Reference Areas may be a hierarchical one, it is possible for the Data Explorer to have several maps choice corresponding to the different hierarchy levels, for only one topojson
file. All you need is regrouping your areas definition into several entries inside your objects
So for instance, for 2 levels of a hierarchy, e.g. continents
and countries
, the following 2 entries are defined in the world_map.json file as objects
"objects": {
"continents": {
"type": 'GeometryCollection',
"geometries": [(...)]
"countries": {
"type": 'GeometryCollection',
"geometries": [(...)]
Note: in case of a flat area dimension, there is still a need for areas to be put under a level in the file.
Then each of the areas will be collected in one of the geometries
arrays, as follows:
area = {
"type": "",
"arcs": [],
"properties": { "id": SDMX_AREA_ID }
In the above example, type
and arcs
are pure topojson generated entries and serving the computing of the draw.
The properties
entry serves as the metadata entry of the area.
The engine only requires an id
entry (Note that any other entry will be ignored, and it is strongly suggested to not overload the file -in case of a large number of areas- for performance purpose).
It is highly important that id
perfectly matches the corresponding SDMX id defined in the areas codelist, for the mapping between SDMX datas and geographical data to work.
Second step The topojson
file needs to be added in the following path dotstatsuite-config-data/<env>/assets/<organisation>/data-explorer/maps/world_map.json
Third step Then it needs to be referenced in Data Explorer settings in dotstatsuite-config-data/<env>/configs/<organisation>/data-explorer/settings.json
"chart": {
"maps": {
"world_map": {
"id": "world_map",
"projection": "geoMercator",
"path": "/assets/<organisation>/data-explorer/maps/world_map.json",
"levels": [
{ "id": "continents", "names": { "en": "World Continents", "fr": "Continents du Monde" } },
{ "id": "countries", "names": { "en": "World Countries", "fr": "Pays du Monde" } }
A very important aspect here above is about projection
entry. It is linked to the api specification of the D3 library for map rendering. Detailed specifications of D3 projection mechanism are to be found here.
Keep in mind that projection
stands for the specific D3 projection you want to use (e.g. mercator
for d3.geo.mercator
As you may have noticed in this example, each area level is declared with the associated localised names which will be used by the application, in order to display all the possible maps selection for a chart display.
Know that all these area levels labels will be pass as map
variables to the generic label of the Map Chart, registered under chart.choropleth
key in the translation files. Here is an English example:
"chart.choropleth": "Map of {map}",
This example, associated with the previous settings example will result with 2 options (in the menu of the Data Explorer chart drop-down feature) labelled in English: “Map of World Continents” and “Map of World Countries”.
Chart: override stacked charts palette
Introduced in December 14, 2021 Release .Stat Suite JS 11.0.0
By default, the Stacked (column & row) charts take one color and compute shades to render the different stacks. You can override the default settings in order to apply multiple colors from the options, or compute shades if only one overriden color is provided.
- in
"chart": {
"serie": {
"colors": ["#A10100", "#DA1F05", "#F33C04", "#FE650D", "#FFC11F", "#FFF75D", "#aa83be", "#969696", "#333333"],
"overColors": ["#DA8079", "#FA9778", "#FBB678", "#F6C960", "#F7D850", "#553488", "#aa83be", "#969696", "#333333"]
The preexisting shading computing will still be applied in case of one unique color "colors": []
If there are more stacks in a chart than colors "colors": []
are provided, then the stacks will loop and go again with the first colors.
Don’t forget to also configure the overColors
palette, those are the colors to be displayed when the stack is hovered with the mouse, you can simply duplicate your palette or customize it for a nice shading effect.
Chart: layout and responsiveness
Further information about chart configurations can be found here: