.Stat Suite documentation

Hosting .Stat Suite in the cloud

Cloud-hosting for SIS-CC member organisations and their partners for test, demo and pilot purposes

Using our DevOps environment with the “multi-tenant architecture”, we can propose to our collaboration partners an out-of-the-box, easy-to-setup cloud hosting of the .Stat Suite for test, demo or pilot purposes.
No need for locally hosting servers, building complex infrastructures or worrying about security plans:

  • The apps and services are cloud-hosted and all components and accesses are centrally maintained;
  • The model allows for seamlessly integrating additional tenants into the stack when needed;
  • The DevOps chain automatically keeps installations up-to-date with the latest .Stat Suite version (dev or master), thus organisations can easily test and use the latest features;
  • Costs and resources are minimised.

.Stat Suite as a Service

Contact us for further information and to set up a new tenant for you.

Cloud-hosting by any organisation for their own partners for test, demo, pilot or full-production purposes

Our kubernetes cluster definitions with the “multi-tenant architecture” can be freely re-used and adapted by any organisation wishing to provide their own out-of-the-box, easy-to-setup cloud hosting of the .Stat Suite for their partner organisations.