.Stat Suite documentation

SDMX annotations supported by the .Stat Suite

This page lists all the types of SDMX artefact annotations supported by the .Stat Suite.

Definition and purpose

The Annotation is a construct that contains user or organisation-specific metadata. The Annotation construct in SDMX is available to most of the SDMX structural metadata artefacts.
The main advantage of the Annotation is its flexibility as all properties can be tailor-made and there is no limit to their number. This can prove very useful for specific applications, such as dissemination tools.

User-managed annotations

Annotation type Use case(s) Where to attach Annotation text? Annotation title?
LAYOUT_ROW Dimensions to be presented in rows of a DE table (concepts on y-axis)
full specs
- Dataflow, DSD
- Dimension
  - Attached to Dataflow or DSD: <dimension Id>,<dimension Id >,…
- Attached to Dimension: <blank>
LAYOUT_COLUMN Dimensions to be presented in columns of a DE table (concepts on x-axis)
full specs
- Dataflow, DSD
- Dimension
  - Attached to Dataflow or DSD: <dimension Id>,<dimension Id >,…
- Attached to Dimension: <blank>
LAYOUT_ROW_SECTION Dimensions to be presented at the row section level of a DE table
full specs
- Dataflow, DSD
- Dimension
  - Attached to Dataflow or DSD: <dimension Id>,<dimension Id >,…
- Attached to Dimension: <blank>
LAYOUT_TIME_PERIOD_DESC Indication that the display of the TIME_PERIOD dimension for a dataflow, or all dataflows of the same DSD, is displayed the descending sort order.
full specs
Dataflow, DSD   example:
LAYOUT_CELL_ALIGN Indication to force the data cell alignment to the left or to the right. This can be defined generically for all locales or per locale.
full specs
MAX_TABLE_DATA Increase the maximum preview table size above the DE default maximum limits for the number of observations retrieved from the SDMX web service and for the number of table cells
full specs
Dataflow   <integer>
DEFAULT Indication that an Item in an Item Scheme is to be selected by default in the DE visualisation filter, or is pre-selected when queried
full specs
- Item in an Item Scheme (e.g. code in a codelist)
- Dataflow, DSD
  - Attached to Item in Item scheme: <blank>
- Attached to Dataflow or DSD: <concept>=<code>+<code>+…,<concept>=<code>+<code>+…
NOT_DISPLAYED Indication that a component and/or its value (dimension, dimension value, attribute, attribute value) is hidden in a presentation
full specs
- Item in an Item Scheme (e.g. code in a codelist)
- Dataflow, DSD
  - Attached to Item in Item scheme: <blank>
- Attached to Dataflow or DSD: <concept Id>,<concept Id>... or <concept>=<code>+<code>+…
ORDER Explicit indication of localised order of items in items schemes
generic full specs
DE search facets specs
Item in an Item Scheme (e.g. code in a codelist) <language>:<integer>,...
"en": "5","fr": "7"
EXT_RESOURCE Indication of a localised link to an external resource associated to the annotated Dataflow
full specs
Dataflow <language>:<HTML containing URL to the resource>,…
"en":"<a href='http://www.ilo.org/_EN.xlsx'>Explanatory information</a>","fr":"<a href='http://www.ilo.org/_FR.xlsx'>Informations explicatives</a>"
MAXTEXTATTRIBUTELENGTH Increase the maximum length for textual attribute values
full specs
DSD   <integer>
METADATA Indication that referential metadata can be uploaded to a related DSD where the METADATA annotation is defined
full specs
DSD   <URN of the related Metadata Structure Definition (MSD)>
SEARCH_WEIGHT Indication of localised boosted dataflows in the DE search results when ordered by relevance
full specs
Dataflow optional
LAYOUT_FLAG Indication that an attribute and its atribute value can be presented as a flag
full specs
Dataflow   <concept Id>,<concept Id>,...
LAYOUT_NOTE Indication that an attribute and its attribute value can be presented as a note
full specs
Dataflow   <concept Id>,<concept Id>,...
COMBINED_CONCEPTS Sets of dimensions and/or attributes to be combined and shown as single virtual components.
full specs
Dataflow, DSD <language>:<set ID>:<set name>;<set ID>:<set name>;...
"en":"COMBINED_UNIT_MEASURE:Combined unit of measure;COMBINED_MEASURE:Combined measure","fr":"COMBINED_UNIT_MEASURE:Unité de mesure combinée;COMBINED_MEASURE:Mesure combinée"
<set ID>:<component ID>,<component ID>,...;<set ID>:<component ID>,<component ID>,...;...
DRILLDOWN_CONCEPTS List of dimensions (concept IDs) to be displayed in a drilldown presentation
full specs
Dataflow, DSD   <concept Id>,<concept Id>,...
DRILLDOWN Denotes the concept that specifies if observations are at the drilldown level (instead of aggregate level)
full specs
Dataflow, DSD   <concept Id>
Note that this "special" drilldown MD_DIM dimension is hidden in the data representation
SUPPORT_DATETIME Indication that a DSD can support data with values for a frequency higher than daily (e.g. hours, minutes, seconds)
full specs
DSD  optional  
HIER_CONTEXT Indication to use (a) specific hierarchy/ies (from Hierarchical Codelists (HCL)) for the display of (a) specific dimension(s) in the context of a dataflow or DSD
full specs
Dataflow, DSD  optional  <component id>:<HCL agency>:<HCL id>(<HCL version>).<hierarchy id>,<component id>:<HCL agency>:<HCL id>(<HCL version>).<hierarchy id>,...
SUPPORT_INTENT_MISS_VALUES Indication to support special numerical observation values indicated as intentionally missing values
full specs
DSD  optional  
ALWAYS_DISPLAY_PARENTS Automatic display (in the DE visualisaiton filters and table views) of **specified** parent hierarchy levels (whether they have data or not) or of **all** parent hierarchy levels when a child with data is selected
full specs
Dataflow, DSD  optional `=LEVEL+`
RELATED_DATA Override the default list of related dataflows (sharing the same DSD) in the DE overview page with a custom list defined by an SDMX structure query
full specs
Dataflow, DSD  optional ` examples:
ALWAYS_DISPLAY_PARENTS Exclude from the search indexing of a dataflow the dimensions and/or the dimension values
full specs
Dataflow, DSD   dimension exclusion `"title": "DIM3,DIM6,ATTR5,ATTR6"`
dimension value exclusion : `"title": "DIM3=VALUE2+VALUE9,DIM6=VALUE_X+VALUE_Y"`
DISABLE_AVAILABILITY_REQUESTS the DE does not make any of the availability requests that are used for the non-time/frequency filters and fired together with the data queries
full specs

Automatically generated annotations

Annotation type Use case(s) Where to attach Annotation text? Annotation title?
sdmx_metrics - if ID="obs_count" then current number of observations per dataflow
- if ID="series_count" then number of time series series per dataflow
full specs
Actual Content Constraint for Dataflow <integer>
