.Stat Suite documentation

Customise chart layout

Table of Content

This section describes how to customise the chart layout by using the “Customise” option from the toolbar. For the customisation of the table previews, please see this section of the documentation.

Chart series

The corresponding selectors allow changing:

  • The dimension and their values displayed on the x and y axes for scatter plot chart;
  • The dimension used for symbols for horizontal symbol and vertical symbol charts;
  • The dimension displayed on the x axis and whether observations are to be displayed as percentage or not for stacked column and stacked row charts.

Chart size

The corresponding selectors allow changing:

  • The chart hight in pixels, including chart header and chart footer. The default chart height is predefined and configurable (application default: 400 pixels);
  • the chart width in pixels. The default chart width is 100% horizontal screen space currently available.

Highlights and Baseline

By default, all data elements (bars, columns, lines, dots, etc.) in the charts are displayed in a uniform, pre-defined, configurable colour (default: grey). In order to make certain elements visually standing out, the user can select one or several elements in two multi-selection drop-down lists:

  • Highlights: ordered list of elements to be coloured in a pre-defined, configurable sequence of colours;
  • Baseline: maximum one item to be coloured in a separate pre-defined, configurable colour (default: #0B1E2D (almost black)).

Note: For the following types Timeline, Horizontal Symbool and Vertical Symbol, there is a size threshold for which, if the chart contains hilghlights or baseline, only these will be displayed.
By default, these thresholds are height of 300px for the vertical axe of a Timeline or Horizontal Symbol, and width of 300px for the horizontal axe of a Vertical Symbol.
You can customize these limits with the following options.

  • in dotstatsuite-config-data/<env>/configs/<tenant>/data-explorer/settings.json under chart property
  options = {
    base: {
      minDisplayWidth: 300,
      minDisplayHeight: 300,

You can also simply disable this mechanism with the following:

  options = {
    serie: {
      responsiveFocusFilter: false

Axes scaling

The corresponding selectors allow changing:

  • Minimum value, maximum value, pivot value and step size for the vertical axis (always non-time-period scale);
  • Minimum value, maximum value, pivot value and step size for the horizontal axis (when non-time-period scaled, e.g. scatter plot).

Note: Currently, for timeline charts, the horizontal axis with its time-period scale cannot be customised. The time periods are taken from the Time Period & Frequency filter. The step size (grid) is automatically calculated from the time periods and the available space.

Timeline chart option for steps on horizontal axis

Released in October 26, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 6.0.0

For Timeline chart representations, the user can set a step for labels based on the data frequency.
The input value is taken into account :

  • if the value is superior to the default value computed by the engine, and
  • if the value is a multiple of the step value of the minor ticks of the axis.

chart custom timeline option

Additional option for authenticated users

Released in October 26, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 6.0.0

When Data Explorer users are authenticated (see the Login specifications), the configuration options for chart include:

  • Title, Subtitle, and Source label editing boxes;
  • The option to remove the logo;
  • The option to remove the copyright logo + link.

Title, Subtitle, and Source label editing boxes
By default, the original title, subtitle and source labels are auto-generated in each corresponding text boxes.
Editing one of the editable labels will be automatically applied when pressing the Enter keyboard, or when navigating to another location of the web browser.
Once the user starts editing one of the editable labels, a ‘Reset’ button option appears in the text bow (right aligned) allowing to reset the label to its original state.
After editing a title, a footnote associated to the dataflow name is kept. After editing a subtitle, footnotes associated to the dimension items are merged into one single footnote at the end of subtitle:

chart custom merged footnotes

This is applicable also when generating a share view (share specifications).

Option to remove the logo
A tick box option allows the user to remove the organisation logo from the chart footer placeholder in the current view.
This is also applied when generating a share view (share specifications).

Option to remove the copyright logo + link
A tick box option allows the user to remove the copyright logo and the underlying hyperlink from the chart footer placeholder in the current view.
This is also applied when generating a share view (share specifications).

chart custom auth users option