.Stat Suite documentation


Version history:
Introduced a configurable collapsable section for related dataflows with June 13, 2024 Release .Stat Suite JS arc
Remove non-single-fixed dimensions list with June 13, 2024 Release .Stat Suite JS arc
Override the list of related dataflows since April 4, 2024 Release .Stat Suite JS zoo
List the related dataflows - same referenced DSD - since July 20, 2023 Release .Stat Suite JS Virtual
Overview page is included in the Excel download and enhanced with an exception on displayed content with September 15, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS radio
Introduced in April 11, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS 14.0.0

Table of content

Role of the overview

The overview tab of the visualisaiton page provides a summary of complementary information for the data provided in table and chart views. By default, it is the landing view of the visualisation page, unless:

  • a different default behaviour has been defined in the DE configuration, see here
  • or a different vw parameter is used in a direct visualisation URL.

DE overview tab

Overview content

The overview provides the following localised pieces of information related to a given dataflow, which should be independent from the current data selection:

  • the dataflow name
  • the dataflow description
  • the list of single-fixed dimension names with the associated value (in the same order as defined in the SDMX data structure definition), except in case the single-fixed dimension value is always to be hidden (_T, _Z, _L) or is listed in the NOT_DISPLAYED SDMX annotation of the code, DSD or dataflow (see the related specification).
  • the list of other dimension names without listing the dimension value (in the same order as defined in the SDMX data structure definition) Removed since June 13, 2024 Release .Stat Suite JS arc
  • the list of names of attributes defined at the dataflow level with the associated value (in the same order as defined in the SDMX data structure definition)
  • when a listed dimension or attribute has a description, then the corresponding text is displayed in a bubble tooltip.
  • the list of categories in which the dataflow is categorised and which are configured as homepage facet with the associated category names and its (optional) parent hierarchy, e.g. ‘Topic: Industry > Tourism’
  • the data source information (if configured as homepage facet), e.g. ‘Data source: UNSD-Hub’
  • the number of unfiltered data points (obtained from the Actual or Available content constraints)
  • the last updated date (obtained from the Actual content constraint validity dates)
  • the related files with a list of hyperlinks to (optional) external resources (as listed in the dataflow’s EXTERNAL_RESOURCE annotations) and similar to the ‘download’ option.
  • the alphabetically ordered list of localised names (current user locale) of all other dataflows that share the same DSD with the current dataflow, and that are only indexed within the same instance of the Data Explorer. The list is displayed under the title ‘You might also be interested by this data’ and each link to a single corresponding data visualisation page (in new web-browser tab).

DE overview tab with related files

By default, only a limited number of related dataflows are displayed, and the user can expand a list with more dataflows, if any, under an accordion section labelled “As well as in these data…”. The label is supplemented with the number of related dataflows remaining in the collapsed section part.
The number of immediately displayed related dataflows is configurable (see more details here). By default, it is set to 4.

DE overview tab with more related dataflows

Data owners can override the default list of related dataflows (same DSD) in order to display instead a custom list by using a specific SDMX structure query defined in an annotation called RELATED_DATA, e.g. dataflows that are categorized within the same topic (or sub-topic) as the current dataflow, whatever their DSD, or dataflows catagorized with the same SDMX Agency ID (use for instance as a project or sub-project ID), etc.

The annotation is of type RELATED_DATA and the annotation title contains the SDMX structure query without the service root, for example: V2/structure/categoryscheme/OECD/OECDCS1/*/ENV,ENV.ENV_AC?references=dataflow

  • categoryscheme/OECD/OECDCS1/1.0/ENV?references=dataflow
  • datastructure/OECD/DSD_TEST/1.0?references=dataflow
  • dataflow/OECD.DIR.PROJECT/all/all


When displaying the overview tab:

  • Making a change in a filter does not have any effect on the Overview tab or its content;
  • The ‘Labels’ option is appropriately applied to the information in the overview, depending on the type of information to return: names, identifiers, or both;
  • ‘Customise’ and ‘Share’ options are hidden.

Since September 15, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS radio, the overview page content is downloaded with the table view in the Excel download file.