DLM homepage overview
Version history:
Menu buttons are reordered and notifications are displayed in dialog box since April 20, 2023 Release .Stat Suite JS unicorn
“(De)select all” option for the artefact list display since September 15, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS radio
Referential metadata export introcued with August 3, 2022 Release .Stat Suite JS quark
Display of the number of series instead of observation values for some external sources since October 5, 2021 Release .Stat Suite JS 10.0.0
The filter option My artefact was deprecated and removed as part of the November 30, 2020 Release .Stat Suite JS 6.1.0
Table of Content
- Common navigation header
- Selectors & Filters
- List of artefacts
- Notifications
- Export structures
- Export data and referential metadata
Common navigation header
The header of the .Stat DLM application is set to be common to all pages. It is composed of:
- A logo of the organisation;
- A list of menu buttons for accessing specific features in separate pages.
When the user is on any page in the application, the button for that page is highlighted.
In responsive mode, only buttons are visible and labels are under tooltips on mouse over.
There is a placeholder on the left side for the logo of the organisation (configurable!).
Menu buttons
There is a list of menu buttons to access pages with specific features or to configure the application:
- Upload structures: page to upload ready-made SDMX structure files
- Upload data: page to upload ready-made Excel+XML or SDMX data files
- Manage permissions: page to manage users’ permissions
- Logbook: page to consult logs related to data and referential metadata activities
- Dump: page to execute a dump download of the content of a data space
- Home: page for browsing the content of data spaces and structure-specific actions
- Authentication status: Shows information on currently logged user (first name and last name) and feature to logout, permitting a new login (see documentation).
- Localisation: Feature to select and show current application language. The list of available languages is defined during the installation of the application (configurable!).
Selectors & Filters
All selectors and filters (except for version) can be collapsed or expanded.
Required selections
A selection within “Filter by space” (internal sources) or “Filter by external source” (see below: Spaces and external sources) and within “Filter by type” (see: Types) is required in order to display the selected artefacts.
In the case that the above minimal selections aren’t made, the following messages are displayed to the user, depending on which selection is missing:
- If no source is selected AND no type is selected, then the message is: “Please select at least one source (space or external source) and at least one type of artefact”.
- If at least one source is selected AND no type is selected, then the message is: “Please select at least one type of artefact”.
- If no source is selected AND at least one type is selected, then the message is: “Please select at least one source (space or external source)”.
Spaces and external sources
A DLM user is able to manage the information independently in different data spaces that can contain different sets of SDMX artefacts and data. For example, they could store different data versions corresponding to the different steps of a statistical production process: e.g. Collect, Process (data preparation), Disseminate-Staging and Disseminate-Live.
The SDMX artefacts and data are thus manageable independently in the different spaces, in other words, structure and data are managed in only one of the above spaces, while it should be easy for the user to replicate structures in the other spaces.
The multi-selection filter “Filter by space” allows selecting the space(s) (internal source(s)) for which the contained artefacts and data are to be displayed and managed, depending on user permissions.
The multi-selection filter “Filter by external source” allows selecting the any SDMX public endpoints for which the available structures and data are to be displayed for consultation and reuse, depending on the user permissions.
The data spaces and their number is not restricted to the example use cases mentioned above since they are configurable! Therefore, it is possible to configure (during the installation of the application) one or more data spaces and external sources as well as a name and a colour scheme (text colour and background colour) for each of them. A color scheme is associated to each space because when using the DLM, users always need to be very aware of the data space they’re managing structures and data for. Therefore, each space and their artefacts have a unique color identification in all components and views of the DLM.
A multi-selection filter “Filter by type” allows the user to select one or more types of “maintainable” SDMX artefacts, such as Data Structure Definition, Dataflow, Concept Scheme, Codelist or any other potential artefact configured (during the installation) contained in the currently selected data space(s) to be listed. “Maintainable” artefacts are those that include in their unique identification the ID of a Maintenance Agency.
This filter allows for a spotlight search if there is a sufficient number of types listed.
The multi-selection filter “Filter by category” displays all (hierarchical) SDMX Category Schemes contained in the currently selected data space(s).
This filter displays the Category Schemes as hierarchical trees, meaning that the user first sees roots levels (the Category Schemes), and a click on one of the Catgory Scheme links additionally displays the root Categories of that Category Scheme: Once a user clicks on a Category, it expands to display all of its immediate child Categories. Users can continue in this way to navigate through the full hierarchy.
For each selected Category Scheme or Category, only those artefacts are listed that have been categorised in any of the selected Category Schemes and Categories.
The multi-selection filter “Filter by owner” displays all SDMX Agency Schemes contained in the currently selected data space(s) in hierarchical trees, meaning that the Agencies listed in the top SDMX Agency Scheme are listed first and once the user clicks on one of these Agencies, it additionally displays the Agencies contained in the related sub Agency Scheme. Users can continue in this way to navigate through the full hierarchy of sub Agencies.
For each selected Agency, only those artefacts are listed that are maintained by any of the selected Agencies (Means: The Agency ID is used as the Maintenance Agency in the unique identification of the maintainable artefact).
Note that even though each Agency Scheme is a flat list of agencies, the SDMX standard allows building a hierachical organisation of agencies through referencing Agency Schemes as Agencies in a higher level Agency Scheme. The Agency Scheme name of the top SDMX Agency Scheme is not included in the filter tree.
This filter allows for a spotlight search if there is a sufficient number of agencies listed.
- Agencies are uniqually identified by their concatenated “agencyID” which includes all perent agencies except the top SDMX agency, e.g. “OECD.ECO”. These concatenanted agencyIDs are used when defining an agency as a maintenance agency of an artefact.
- Agencies are not versioned and always have a version “1.0”
- Agencies are always non-final (with “isFinal=false”)
The filter “Filter by version” allows users selecting:
- Latest: only the latest version of the artefacts is shown in the table (either final or non-final)
- Latest & Only final: only the latest final version of the artefacts is shown in the table
- All: all versions of the artefacts are shown in the table (either final or non-final)
- All & Only final: all final versions of the artefacts are shown in the table
List of artefacts
The main applical panel displayes the list all structural SDMX artefacts available in all selected DLM spaces or external sources, depending on the user’s read permissions.
The above mentioned selections and filters are dynamically applied to the table, meaning that when the user changes the selection, then the table is automatically updated. A spinner feature informs the user of the processing.
Display Options
Spotlight: the user can reduce the list of artefacts by entering keywords in the spotlight box. An additional option of the spotlight applies the text filter to one or both of the following: “Label” and “Code”. The spotlight text is consistent even when changing the filter(s). The spotlight feature searches in the name and ID of all listed artefacts.
Sorting: the user can sort the whole list by “Type”, “Label”, “Code”, “Version”, “Final” or “Owner”. The list is sorted, ascending by default, by “Type” and “Name”.
Pagination: This feature allows navigating from page to page, and to jump to the next, previous, first or last page. The number of artefacts listed per page is configurable (see documentation).
(De)Select all: This feature shown below the pagination allows bulk-(de-)selecting the listed artefacts in the current page or on the all pages.
Depending on the current selection, one of the four clickable buttons is shown:
- If no artefact is selected, then the clickable button is or if only one single page of results
Clicking on this button opens a dropdown menu proposing to:
- Select all artefacts
- Select all artefacts on this page
- Else if all artefacts on all pages are selected, then the clickable button is or if only one single page of results
Clicking on this button opens a dropdown menu proposing to:- Deselect all artefacts for several pages of result, or
- Deselect all artefacts for one single page of results
- Else if some artefacts are not selected but all artefacts on the current page are selected, then the clickable button is
Clicking on this button opens a dropdown menu proposing to:- Select all artefacts
- Deselect all artefacts
- Else, then the clickable button is
Clicking on this button opens a dropdown menu proposing to:- Select all artefacts
- Select all artefacts on this page
- Deselect all artefacts
Whenever at least one artefact is selected, an additional hamburger menu is displayed, which proposes a list of actions on the selected artafacts:
The hambuger menu proposes to launch an action on the selected artefact/s, such as Transfer the artefact/s structure from one space to another.
- If no artefact is selected, then the clickable button is or if only one single page of results
Clicking on this button opens a dropdown menu proposing to:
Content of the list
For each artefact, the following details are shown:
- Artefact type (e.g. Data Structure Definition, Dataflow, Codelist)
- Artefact name (e.g. Health Status) in the first available language
- Artefact id (e.g. HEALTH_STAT)
- Artefact version (e.g. 1.0, 0.2, 1.0.3)
- Final: A Yes/No value, with a tick icon if Yes
- Artefact owner (maintenance agency of the artefact)
- Action: Hamburger menu button that offers a context-aware list of specific actions to perform over the artefact (see related documentation for each action: Transfer artefact, Transfer data, Delete structure, Export structure and Export data)
For Dataflows only, The user can view the following additional information:
- Preview: the eye icon opens the data table preview of a dataflow in a new tab of the application, by using the Data Explorer data view (see more in this section of the documentation)
- Number of observation values.
- Categories with information about thematic categorisation. Note that a Dataflow can be categorised into one or more Categories
- Space name
- ID flavours with 2 alternative dataflow identification flavours:
Note that for some external data sources (e.g. using MT Fusion Registry), the SDMX annotation of type sdmx_metrics
has no id obs_count
, but the id series_count
In this case, the DLM will display the number of series instead of observation values.
Actions initiated from the DLM overview can trigger notifications of outcome status to the end-user. These actions can be originated from data transfer, structure transfer or deletion, data/ref/ metadata/structure download, index dataflow, etc. (non-exhaustive list).
These notifications are displayed as colored icons: “green” for success, “orange” for warning or multi-status, “red” for failure or error, or “blue” for newly created.
Clicking on an icon opens a dialog box with details of the action outcome:
Clicking on the top-right cross or outside the dialog box closes it.
Export structures
Each data structure artefact from the list can be exported/downloaded using the corresponding hamburger menu feature.
A data structure artefact can be downloaded in .xml format:
- without referenced structures, or
- with all referenced structures (e.g. a DSD with all its referenced codelists, content constraint, dataflow, category scheme, etc).
Export data and referential metadata
Data and/or referential metadata associated to a dataflow can be downloaded, from the list of dataflows.
The ‘Export data & referential metadata’ option in the context menu of the dataflow, as well as in the multiple selections menu above the dataflow list, allows to download available contents in various flavours:
User can:
- Download both data and referential metadata in distinguished .csv files
- Download data only in .csv file
- Download data only in .xml file
- Download referential metadata only in .csv file
User can also choose to export a subset of the data and/or referential metadata by entering the corresponding SDMX query syntax under the ‘Partial data query’ tick box option.
Note: For referential metadata partial queries, the webservice currently supports only a single value per dimension. Therefore, whenever the user wants to export referential metadata and enters a partial query, the content of the query is checked and if the user has entered more than one item per dimension (e.g. the query filter contains a + sign, e.g. AU+DE….A), then the DLM will display an error message.
Once the user clicks on ’export’, the popup window closes and the requested file(s) is/are generated. If, for one of the options made by the user, there is no data or referential metadata found, then the DLM displays an orange warning arrow icon with a message on mouse over ’no data found’ or ’no referential metadata found’