.Stat Suite documentation
Manage structures
Upload structures from an SDMX file (xml)
Delete data structures
List related data structures
Copy data structures
Create or edit data structures
Define referential metadata attributes for a data structure
Prev - Manage user access
Next - Upload structures from an SDMX file (xml)
Product overview
Flight planner
Powered by the SIS-CC .Stat Suite
Code of conduct
Licenses of NuGet dependencies of .Stat Core module
Getting started
.Stat Suite Open Source Framework
.Stat DevOps implementation
Semantic versioning of CORE services
Infrastructure requirements
Production setup recommendations
Installing .Stat Suite from source code
Full installation from source code
Source code Windows installation example of .Stat Core services
Mono-tenant installation of DE and DLM services from gitlab pipeline artifacts
Mono-tenant update of DE and DLM services from gitlab pipeline artifacts
Mono-tenant installation of .Stat DE as Windows services
Installing .Stat Suite from containers
Short introduction to Docker
Description of .Stat Suite Docker images
Installation using Docker-Compose
Installation based on a ready-to-use service package
Hosting .Stat Suite in the cloud
Configuring and Customising
.Stat CORE configuration
Tenant model
.Stat DE configuration
.Stat DE customisation
.Stat DE analytics
Google Tag Manager
Google Analytics
.Stat DLM configuration
.Stat DLM customisation
Keycloak configuration
Third-party Identity Providers in Keycloak
How to get an Access Token in Postman
.Stat Search Service configuration
Future or programmatically configurable advanced search features
How the search service can support API keys
Report an issue
Issue process and Definitions of Done (DoD)
Development guidelines
Team members
Using .Stat Data Lifecycle Manager
DLM product design & functional vision
Log in the DLM
DLM homepage overview
Manage user access
Manage structures
Upload structures from an SDMX file (xml)
Textual attribute values length
Delete data structures
List related data structures
Copy data structures
Create or edit data structures
FMR Workbench
Define referential metadata attributes for a data structure
Add links to external resources
Manage data
Upload data or referential metadata
Upload data or referential metadata from an SDMX file
Upload data from Excel files
Data validation options
Point in Time release options
Delete data or referential metadata
Activate a dataflow
Preview data
Copy data
Publish data
Export all in dump mode
Using .Stat DLM Excel Add-in
Get data
Edit data
Using .Stat Data Explorer
Design principles & functional vision
Pop-up survey feature
General layout and common features
Searching data
Indexing data
Free text search
Search results
Viewing data
Common header & footer for all views
Common view features
Frequency & Time-Period
Data availability
Advanced hierarchies
Applied filters panel and data points
Preview table
Define default data views
Default layout
Increased table size
Custom data alignment
Default filter selections
Hide information of a data view
Implicit and explicit orders
Reversed time period sort order
Customise table layout
Extra cells in the table for attribute values
Incomplete data table
Disabled data availability
Information side panel
Notes displaying attributes in table views
Special display of 'combined concepts' in the preview table
Non-calendar reporting periods display
Irregular time periods
Preview microdata
Chart generation business rules
Customise chart layout
Parameterisable shared views
Error messages
SDMX annotations supported by the .Stat Suite
Using .Stat Suite APIs
Main APIs features
.Stat Suite Core data model
Data features
Upload data from an SDMX-CSV or SDMX-ML (xml) file
Upload data from an Excel file
Referential metadata features
Upload referential metadata from an SDMX-CSV file
Typical use cases
.Stat SDMX RESTful Web Service Cheat Sheet
Data synchronisation between data spaces
Embargo management (Point in Time)
Confidentiality and embargo data
Email notifications for data management
Programmatic authentication
Permission management
Caching system